
How To Repair Scuff In Gray Leaher Shoe

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Faux leather shoes are a inexpensive, good-looking culling to real leather shoes. Though typically more durable than their animal-based siblings, they are not immune to damage, and scrapes or scratches tin make them wait cruddy. Luckily, with a fleck of exercise-it-yourself magic, you can brand your shoes look as skilful every bit new.

  1. 1

    Wipe down the surface area with a soft fabric and warm water. So dab the area with a trivial distilled white vinegar. Treat a small part of the afflicted area with the vinegar.

    • Have a minor dab of distilled white vinegar on a paper towel and employ it to an area around the scratch.
    • The vinegar may crusade the area to slightly swell. The faux leather volition comprehend some of the scratches. The vinegar will as well remove any stains like salt, cleaning the area. [1]
  2. 2

    Buff the area with a colorless shoe polish. After y'all clean your shoes and apply the vinegar, wait until the area has dried. Then buff it out with a clear shoe polish.

    • Apply the shine in a circular movement to spread it evenly over the area. Utilize medium force per unit area to evenly distribute the smooth without harming the shoe.
    • The clear shoe polish will not affect any of your shoe'south color. The buffing will assistance blend the affected and unaffected areas together.


  3. 3

    Selection up some acrylic pigment that matches the color of your shoes. Take your shoe or boot to a home improvement or craft store and lucifer the color of pigment to your shoe colour. [2]

    • You can purchase paint in a variety of finishes. Try to match the sheen of your shoe as best you tin can with apartment, eggshell, or glossy paint. Acrylic paint works all-time for painting your scratches and scrapes.
  4. four

    Buy a canteen of Modge Podge and or Shoe Goo at a craft store. Again, effort to friction match the sheen of your shoe as closely as possible by getting matte, satin, or glossy Modge Podge.

    • Modge Podge is an all-in-one sort of glue, sealer, and finish. You can use it on a diversity of crafting projects. But it as well works well for treating faux leather shoes.
    • Shoe Goo is a similar product that has a variety of shoe-related purposes. Shoe Goo can exist used to glue, seal, and finish as well. Shoe Goo is essentially rubber in a tube. Once it is applied and stale, it becomes a stiff, flexible rubbery textile. It will dry out clear as well. [3]
    • Depending on the damage you are trying to repair, you may find 1 to be improve than the other. Or, you may desire to use both.
  5. 5

    Apply a small fleck of your paint to the scratched area. You lot should dab just a bit of pigment once the smoothen has dried to a more subconscious area to exam how the paint looks on your shoe.

    • Dabbing a small chip of pigment to test-treat the surface area volition allow you to make sure that the paint color blends well with the color of your shoes. If it does, you're gear up to continue.


  1. ane

    Gather all your repairing materials. You will at present need your Modge Podge and or Shoe Goo, paint, pigment brushes, pocket-size container for paint, paper towels, shoe polish, shoe spray, and a nail clipper or fine-grain sandpaper.

    • You will want to use a minor paintbrush so yous only paint the scratches and not the larger area around the scratches.
    • You lot can use a smash clipper or fine-grain sandpaper to remove any loose fabric around your scratches. Nail clippers will allow yous to be more precise. Sandpaper may be better for larger areas that are closer to the sole of your shoes or boots. [iv]
  2. 2

    Use a smash clipper to clip off any textile that is sticking out or hanging off the shoe. Your simulated leather shoes or boots may have pocket-sized flakes around your scratches. You want to remove these loose bits so you can cover upwards the scratch and non just press the broken flecks downwards. The area should exist a smoothen as possible.

    • Over again, smash clippers or even tweezers will allow you to remove any textile in a specific expanse. However, if you lot take a larger area that needs to exist repaired, the sandpaper volition exist more effective at smoothing these larger areas out.
  3. 3

    Pigment carefully over the sections that need to exist repaired. With your shoes wiped down again and free of any excess cloth, information technology'due south time to paint the scratches.

    • Using your small-scale paintbrush, dip the tip into your container holding your paint. You don't need a lot. Less is ameliorate so you don't cause the paint to transfer unevenly.
    • Pigment the scratches with smooth strokes. Let it sit down for a minute or so. Wipe your brush on your paper towel to remove clumped paint.
  4. 4

    Permit the paint dry out and add together another coat if needed. Repeat the procedure adding another coat using a little bit of pigment at a time.

    • Continue applying new coats until you have painted the scratches to your liking.
    • Brand sure to only employ a small amount of paint with each coat. If the pigment globs together you volition finish upwards with bubbling of paint on your shoes. Making the afflicted areas look uneven.


  1. 1

    Apply the Modge Podge or Shoe Goo. After the paint is fully dry, use a very light coat of Modge Podge or Shoe Goo and pigment over the general area to seal it.

    • It's best to use a different paint castor when applying the Modge Podge or Shoe Goo. If you are only using one castor, brand sure to rinse information technology well and wipe off any pigment with a paper towel before using information technology.
    • After you've applied the Modge Podge or Shoe Goo, wipe the brush on a piece of paper to get all the excess off. Then employ the brush to carefully plumage the edges of your painted area so that you don't accept whatsoever visible lines.
    • Shoe Goo is typically clear while Modge Podge paints on white. Don't worry if the handling has a color to information technology when painting on. Once it dries it will dry clear.
  2. 2

    Polish your shoes with shoe polish. Once everything is dry out, requite your shoes or boots a proficient smooth with the correct color polish to match your shoe.

    • Polishing your shoes will assist to fully blend all the areas of the shoe. Polish will smoothen out any areas effectually your scratches that still stand out. As well as give your shoes a fresh look.
    • Depending on the severity of your scratches, you lot may desire to utilise polish after your paint simply earlier yous seal the areas. Polishing the scratched area and and so sealing will make the polish under your sealant more permanent.
  3. iii

    Clean up whatsoever other areas of your shoes or boots. Once you lot've treated the scratches, clean upward whatsoever other areas that may nevertheless be dirty or need some work. If y'all have to wipe down nearly of your shoes, practise so before polishing the entire shoe. Clean the rest of your shoes using the same method every bit before, with a clean cloth, water, and a trivial chip of white vinegar if you have table salt or dirt y'all are trying to remove.

    • Admire your awesome piece of work by completely cleaning your shoes and then that your pair looks equally good as new.
    • Let everything dry completely before wearing your shoes. If y'all wearable your shoes or boots before letting everything prepare and dry out you could crusade cracks and scratches to reopen.
  4. 4

    Spray and protect your shoes with waterproof spray. Go the extra stride and give your shoes or boots one more chemical element of protection.

    • Apply a waterproof spray and or shoe lube wax to protect your shoes from table salt stains, h2o, and clay.
    • This extra protective step volition assistance to keep the treated areas from showing over again. It volition as well prevent new areas from becoming as damaged.
    • If you lot spray your shoes, exercise so in a ventilated area.
    • Make certain that whatever spray or lube you are using is suitable for your fake leather shoes.


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  • Before applying any paint or polish, test it on a modest subconscious area. Make certain it matches and blends well.

  • Fixing scratched areas in this manner will work best on parts of the shoe that exercise not bend. Angle might cause the pigment and Modge Podge to cleft.

  • Instead of paint, you may try a felt-tip pen or marker depending on the sheen of your shoe and the size of the scratch.

  • When dealing with these materials, repair in a ventilated area. Information technology'southward too a adept idea to lay down paper so equally not to go anything on your flooring or another surface.

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  • Exist conscientious non to get lint or hair stuck in the Modge Podge while it'southward drying. Once information technology's dry, it's permanent.


Things You lot'll Need

  • Colour-matched paint
  • Modge Podge or Shoe Goo
  • Small paintbrush(s)
  • Paper towels, newspaper
  • Boom clippers or fine-grain sandpaper
  • Shoe polishes and protective lube or spray

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Article Summary X

To easily remove a scrape from a imitation leather shoe, wipe the affected area with a soft textile and warm water, then dab it with a pocket-sized amount of distilled white vinegar. The vinegar might crusade the fake leather to peachy equally information technology covers up the scrape -- to fix this, simply buff the shoe with colorless shoe polish, using circular motions to spread information technology out evenly. For tips on removing more stubborn stains, read on!

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How To Repair Scuff In Gray Leaher Shoe,


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