My Rainbow Vacuum Has Lost its Suction; What Might the Cause Be?

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I'm nonetheless to encounter anyone who admits to getting up and rejoicing that information technology'south fourth dimension to get the vacuum cleaner out. Simply, if you want the cleanest living environment possible, vacuuming is an accented necessity.

Vacuum cleaners help united states of america to proceed our homes clean, even getting into all the bad-mannered nooks and crannies. And, to operate at their best, they rely on an airflow that sucks clay from whatsoever given surface.

But over time, cleaners lose their suction, making it harder to get upwards all the dust, dirt and bacteria. And they always seem to have a knack of suction dropping at the well-nigh inappropriate times.

The Technical Bit (Short Version)

Rexair - Rainbow Vacuum Complete SystemRainbow vacuums rely on a fan motor to generate enough suction to perform at their best. These motors and so pull clay through the hose and deposit it either into a handbag or, in our case, water!

Some Rainbow cleaners besides accept a castor attachment to assistance collect grit, dirt and debris. The castor agitates the dirt, then the airflow, under normal circumstances, sucks it upward.

To exist at its almost efficient, all these functional parts of a cleaner need to exist working at 100% capacity. If you're getting reduced or poor suction in your Rainbow vacuum, so one of those parts may exist faulty. Hither are some possible reasons why your vacuum cleaner may take lost suction, and advice on how to fix it.

Dirty Filters

Most newer Rainbow vacuum cleaners take two filters. 1 keeps dust out of the motor, and is called a separator. The other is a HEPA filter, which helps to continue the air you exhale cleaner.

Filters can exist different, depending on your model; the good news is, yous can make clean them if they clog up. You lot'll need to first sympathise how you can remove them safely. So it's a unproblematic case of following any washing instructions.

As with most breakable things in life, prevention is better than cure. Become into the addiction of unclogging your filters earlier your vacuum begins to lose suction.

Periods between cleaning or unclogging volition differ from owner to possessor. Regularity, surface area and whether you're working in heavily trafficked areas will dictate those periods.

Vacuum Airflow Problems

Vacuum cleaners piece of work about effectively when the airflow is seamless. Airflow begins at:

  • the tip of the hose for the canister type of cleaner;
  • the base opening for the upright cleaner.

You tin diagnose canister airflow problems by gently inserting a stick into i terminate of the tube. If you discover an obstruction, employ the stick to gently dislodge it.

Also, audit the outside of the hose from stop to finish. If yous notice whatsoever cracks or holes, these could be the cause of your loss of suction. To get the power of your suction back, replace any cracked or broken hoses direct away.

For upright vacuum cleaners, the loss of suction may have a different root cause. Begin checking by first turning the unit of measurement upside down (ask for assist if you need it). Adjacent, bank check that the opening points directly to the vacuum body.

Look for any clay that could have impeded the suction. If your unit of measurement has a rotating brush, remove it to gain better access to the opening.

Also, always check the point where the hose and vacuum connect. A loose connection here will compromise the airflow and reduce the suction.

Motor Issues

The motor generates the suction force that enables your vacuum cleaner to work. If the motor has issues, the cleaner will automatically lose airflow.

Y'all may notice issues with the motor if the sound it produces differs from the sound you're used to hearing.

Unfortunately, the mechanics of motors are, by their nature, technical. If your motor gives upwardly the ghost, your but pick may be to replace information technology.

That said, some motors use a blade to generate its suction forcefulness. If that's the case, you may only need to replace the bract, not the entire motor.

What If None of the Above Solutions Piece of work for Me?

To a higher place, we've listed the near basic causes of loss of suction in Rainbow vacuums. But if you don't feel confident with your diagnosis, don't worry. You're not alone, and help is at hand.

A Rexair authorized technician will know almost all causes of poor suction by heart. They understand the how the different types of cleaners work, and any inherent issues.

Utilize their experience and diagnostic skills to isolate the problem and have them fix information technology for you lot. They'll let you know the best repair option based upon your model.

In some cases, the impairment might mean that upgrading is a better selection for you. A manufacturer authorized technician can offer all the support and succour y'all demand to get your habitation spotless again.